Deinking Process
Deinking is the industrial process of removing printing ink from paperfibers of recycled paper feed stock to make deinked pulp.
The key in the deinking process is the ability to detach ink from the fibers. This is achieved by a combination of mechanical action and chemical means. The most common process is froth flotation deinking.
The key in the deinking process is the ability to detach ink from the fibers. This is achieved by a combination of mechanical action and chemical means. The most common process is froth flotation deinking.
Enzymatic Deinking
The use of enzymes is an environmentally friendly alternative to complement conventional chemical deinking in the recycling of recovered paper feed stocks. It selectively modifies cellulosic fibers to aid in the separation of ink and other debris from recycled papers. It allows the secondary fiber structure to loosen up, releasing the embedded ink with a reduced usage of alkali and detergents. Benefits include improved pulp cleanliness, a brighter final pulp, improved machine run ability and reduced dusting while the reduction of colloidal fines improve drainage.![](http://chemietradebd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/no-thumbnail.png)
Sticky and Pitch Enzyme
Recycled fiber is a major source of raw material for the modern recycled paper mill. Adhesive elements in the recycled fiber feed stock are a major obstacle in papermaking because they tend to deposit on machine surfaces, fabrics, wires, felts, and rolls, which leads to run-ability and maintenance problems such as paper breaks at the press. If not controlled, this extraneous adhesive component can also lead to paper quality issues such as holes, sheet defects, and high dirt counts.Our enzymatic technology solution efficiently converts the adhesive waste into more manageable components, thereby improving machine performance and also improving the recycled paper quality in terms of spots, holes, and breakage while as well as preventing machine damage.
De-inking Agent
De-inking agents are detergents designed for use in wastepaper recycling. The de-inking process mainly involves the detachment of ink from the surface of recovered newsprint and magazines (the ink removal process) and floating the detatched ink away using foam (the ink collection process). A de-inking agent has two primary functions: reducing the surface tension between the pulp fiber and ink during the ink removal process to facilitate the detachment of ink, and creating a froth that floats the ink off during the ink collection process, separating the ink from the pulp slurry.![](http://chemietradebd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/no-thumbnail.png)
Foaming Agent
Anionic type foaming agents demonstrate high foaming performance when employed in industrial and hard water applications and across a wide range of pH. They show good penetrating, emulsifying, dispersing, and washing characteristics, and are therefore applicable as a base material in many applications in various industrial usages. Application of foaming agents in the production of deinked paper, include the effective removal of released ink when processing waste papers such as newsprint, magazine, inserts, color ledgers, white ledgers and other mixed office waste feed stock.Reductive Bleaching Chemicals
Paper pulp, especially recycled, deinked paper pulp, is bleached in a synergistic PREMIX Bleaching processes containing ChromaClear Solution and Solmix L40 reaction.Chromaclear Solution is an all-liquid system using DBI Technology that provides performance and economic advantages over traditional reductive bleaching technologies and is well proven in the bleaching processes of many deinking plants. SOLMIX L-40 is an accompanying product of Chromaclear Solution that enhances performance and delivers economic advantages over traditional reductive bleaching technologies.